Denise Archer

Practice Management

About me

I started my career as a Legal Secretary straight from Secretarial College in a Derby based Firm of Solicitors. I moved to a few different Firms of Solicitors and worked in Criminal, Matrimonial, Conveyancing and Accounts . I went to Court with Barristers and interviewed clients at Police Stations. Following the birth of my son, I moved to work permanently into the Accounts Department at my then current employers. I finally moved to Sheltons Solicitors and progressed to Accounts Manager. Due to the varied nature of my legal career after the merger of Sheltons Solicitors and EHL Solicitors, I applied for my current role as Practice Manager of EHL Solicitors in 2016. The expertise I have learned through my career path have given me a very good insight into my current role which I enjoy very much.


Denise Archer

Area of expertise
I deal with all aspects of behind the scenes day to day Management, Accounts, Compliance, HR, Mandatory Training, CQS, Lexcel, Stationery, Utilities, and many other roles.
Professional qualification
Years experience
30 plus years in a Legal Environment.
Professional information
Hobbies and interests
In my early years I owned a horse and enjoyed hours riding. I love gardening and walking in the countryside. I am the President of the local WI, enjoy all sorts of crafts, go to a Pilates class once a week and generally enjoy the fresh air.



Denise Archer

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